Currencies & Exchange Rates
To be able to plan with country-specific currencies, you create the required currencies. To be able to compare planning and results of different countries, create exchange rates. Exchange rates allow you to convert different working currencies into the reference currency.

The user can switch between the reference currency and working currencies whenever needed in the budget view. This lets you, e.g. compare campaigns planned for countries with different currencies with a single click.
You can use a currency as:
Reference currency of a whole year, see Years
Working currency of a planning element. For more information, refer to the Planner user manual, see Further Documentation

Exchange rates allow conversion between different currencies and are defined per month. Note that in the budget view for data, only a dash is displayed if you display the data in the reference currency but the exchange rate is not defined.
You can always enter a primary exchange rate. In addition to the primary, you can define a secondary exchange rate. This allows departments, for example, to work with different exchange rates. The user can choose between primary and secondary exchange rate with the following functions if the function is enabled:
When calculating customer-specific budget columns
When displaying standard budget data in the budget view
To be able to use the secondary exchange rate, activate the function under > Planner > Settings > Exchange Rates in the Secondary Exchange Rate area. After activation, the value of the primary exchange rate will be applied for the secondary exchange rate first for created exchange rates. In the table below, there is an option to set both the primary and a secondary exchange rate for each working currency.
Note that KPIs and reports are calculated using the primary exchange rate only.
The annual budget in the reference currency for top-down years is calculated using the exchange rate of the first month of the current fiscal year.
If you delete the reference currency for a selected year, all exchange rates for that year will be deleted. You cannot reverse the deletion.